
Pastoral Reorganisation

Each deanery within the diocese has its own Mission and Ministry committee which works with the Deanery Synod on Mission Action Planning.  This process considers how the deanery can make best use its resources; both human and physical to make the most of the particular opportunities for taking forward the mission of the church in their local situation.  The term Pastoral Reorganisation refers to the processes that occur when those proposals require legal changes such as re-drawing of parish boundaries, or the re-configuration of parishes to modify the benefice structure.

The Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee

The Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee (DMPC), established under the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011, working with the Bishop, the Archdeacons and the Pastoral Secretary, seeks to support parishes and deaneries in implementing the reorganisational aspects of Mission Action Planning. It issues the formal proposals for processes such as:

  • The union of parishes and/or benefices
  • The creation of Team and Group Ministries
  • Alteration of parish/deanery /archdeaconry or diocesan boundaries
  • Changes of parish or benefice names
  • Suspension of Presentation (and renewal or lifting of suspension)
  • Bishops Mission Orders and Bishops Pastoral Orders
  • Church Sharing Agreements
  • Churches and churchyards (change of status/closure etc...)

Interested parties under the 2011 measure can meet with the committee to discuss proposed reorganisation.

Information for Parishes and Benefices

Our diocesan Aide Memoire could be of help to parishes and benefices as they begin to consider making changes which will enable their future ministry and mission to flourish. 

This flowchart outlines the stages involved in the formal pastoral reorganisation process.

Useful Links

  • . This has links to all the relevant legislation and guidance on the process of pastoral reorganisation.
  •  is the law governing Clergy appointments and Suspension of Presentation.
  •  - a vital tool for those involved in parochial, diocesan and national Church governance.

For more information, please contact Pastoral Secretary, Nigel Collins (01227 459401). 

Page last updated: Friday 22nd March 2024 11:52 AM
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